
La Magia Brunello di Montalcino 2007 and Brunello Riserva 2004 are now available in Carnevino.

Ali Nicol of Wine Times HK on a one-to-one with Steve Pellet, the producer of Intrepid, Awatere Valley, New Zealand.

Two of our wines, Moscato d’Asti from Podere Lorenzo Alutto and Pinot Nero from Masut da Rive made it to the Top 12 at The Flying Winemaker. We will be highlight them on Wednesday 5th, so come and join us for The June Top 12 Public Tasting Gala.

David Berry Green takes to the Barolo vineyards to talk to Chiara Boschis about their rootstock and planting procedures.

Meet Steve Pellett, our Intrepid wines producer from Stanley Estates, Awatere, New Zealand.